Mission of Mercy V2 - Guerilla Temple Outpost

Mission of Mercy V2 - Guerilla Temple Outpost

Mission of Mercy v2 is a remake of an old game project I work on 10 years ago. The game project was a cross between an educational game and a stealth game. Our clients wanted us to create an educational game that taught students about Cambodia and what life working as an Aid worker might look like. We took that breif and made a simple prototype stealth game that had you play through a number of missions that had some elements of danger that you could only navigate through by being stealthful as the character you play was no warrior. My goal with this remake is not to create a fully fleshed out game but rather to remake and reimagine the original project brief to create a series of game levels and environments that will stand as Demos to showcase some upcoming Asset packs i plan to release. In addition i want to expand the story with unshackling myself from the heavy educational tone of the original prototype by create a more exciting and action based story inspired by games like Farcry and Uncharted.

This Environment is of one of the Guerilla Outposts. There are a number of antagonist in the games story that range from petty thugs and criminals to human trafficers and at the top of all a king pin type figure running the whole game. This particular outpost was were the main character ends up being held hostage for ransom at the begining of the games cold open. You escape this place at night but through certain quest lines you endup back at this outpost in search for a young girl. The girl was kidnapped from a near by village and is being held in the same cell you were locked up in as she waits to be sold to the highest bidder. You aim to sneak back into the outpost via the same hidden cave tunnel you originally used to escape. This level is a stealth mission where you must sneak in, find the girl and sneak out without being detected as the Guerilla thugs are armed and will likely shoot you on site.