Concept Art
Textures and Materials
3D Modelling
Mission of Mercy V2 - Abandoned Village Hall
Mission of Mercy V2 - Village Fuel Station
Mission of Mercy V2 - Village Entry Checkpoint
Mission of Mercy V2 - The Village - Roads and Buildings
Mission of Mercy V2 - Community Heart
Mission of Mercy V2 - Village Farming
Mission of Mercy V2 - Village - Stores and Markets
Mission of Mercy V2 - Village Homes
Mission of Mercy V2 - Artisans Yard
Mission of Mercy V2 - Guerilla Temple Outpost
Mission Of Mercy V2 - Kapok Jungle Trees
Mission of Mercy V2 - Palm Trees
Mission Of Mercy V2 - Jungle Plants
Mission of Mercy V2 - Mesh and Fencing
Mission of Mercy V2 - Building Materials
Mission of Mercy V2 - Roofing Materials
Mission of Mercy V2 - Terrain Materials
Mission Of Mercy V2 - Rocks and Cliffs
Mission Of Mercy V2 - Buildings
Mission of Mercy V2 - Ancient Khmer Temple (Modular Kit)
Mission Of Mercy V2 - Roadside and Construction
Mission Of Mercy V2 - Storage
Mission Of Mercy V2 - Outdoor Cooking
Mission Of Mercy V2 - Furniture
Thicket - Concept Art (Early Development)
Mission Of Mercy V2 - Electrical
The Evolving Forest - 3D Assets, Animation and Lighting
The Evolving Forest - Stations Concept Art
The Evolving Forest - Critter Battler UI Design and Concept Art
The Evolving Forest - Plant Contest UI Design and Animations
The Evolving Forest - Main Game UI/UX Design (E.A. Version)
Jacaranda Tree
Twin Beaks
One Small Step
Grandma's House
Ocean Waters
Hostile Waters
The Island of Despair
Scroll of the Fallen
The Eternal Swamp
Overnight Whim (TheDwarvenMine)
Elgar (Mythical Creature - Kappa)
Jimmy the Frog
OTIS - Helper Bot 818 Series
Chinese Steampunk Motor Carriage
Chrysler 300c
Environment Concept
Fog Watch
Report User