Mission of Mercy V2 - Village - Stores and Markets

All of the food textures minus grains and containers were created Using AI as I dabble in its use! For projects like this where small props would take up a substantial amount of time with very little budget, I can see AI becoming very useful.

All of the food textures minus grains and containers were created Using AI as I dabble in its use! For projects like this where small props would take up a substantial amount of time with very little budget, I can see AI becoming very useful.

Mission of Mercy V2 - Village - Stores and Markets

The convenience store and electronics shop provide essential goods and a touch of modernity, bridging the past and present. The fishmonger offers a daily catch from the nearby rivers, ensuring the village never loses its connection to traditional sustenance. The fresh food market, a colourful array of local produce, showcases the bounty of nearby farms.

In these uncertain times, with the outer regions growing increasingly unsafe, Kamreang has become a sanctuary for trade. Farmers from surrounding areas brave the journey to the village, seeking the safety of its central market to exchange their goods. This trade network, born out of necessity, strengthens the bonds between Kamreang and its neighbours.